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Showing posts from October, 2017

Advanced PHP

Advanced PHP This segment will concentrate on some progressed PHP points, which will engage the per user to make dynamic web pages. Superglobals  A  global variable  is a variable declared at the top of the script outside the function. This variable is available to the complete script. Superglobal variables are arrays built into PHP. These superglobal variables are populated automatically with useful elements, and they are available in any scope. A superglobal array can be accessed within a function or a method without using the global keyword. PHP Superglobals $_COOKIE – It contains values provided to the script via HTTP cookies. $_GET – It contains variables submitted to the script using HTTP get method.  $_POST – It contains variables submitted to the script using HTTP post method.  $_REQUEST – It is a combined array containing values from the $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIES superglobal arrays.  $...

How SEO Can Help Your Business Grow

There are many businesses that lack a profound comprehension of the need for SEO experts. For this reason, they do not appreciate the fact that SEO can have a positive impact on the growth and development of their enterprises. It is very evident that  search engine optimization (SEO)  plays a vital role in creating an environment of online growth for businesses that understand the need for SEO consultants. What SEO Means To Businesses SEO is not only beneficial; it is a necessary marketing apparatus for the development of compelling brand consciousness. It is also means enhanced search engine page rankings and the amplification of a heightened abundance of traffic. So why shoulda SEO consultant be sought for and how can their assistance bring aboutprogressive business growth ? What Businesses Can Expect From Expert SEO Services When a business engages expert SEO services, the business will find quality because such services will provide the business with ...