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Showing posts from July, 2017

What Is The Difference Between HTML and CSS?

If you’re thinking of building a website it’s likely you’ve heard the terms “HTML” and “CSS,” but may be wondering how they’re different. They go hand-in-hand in building a webpage, but each serve a very unique purpose. HTML:  Hypertext Markup Language is the standard and most basic language in use to create web pages. It has a very simple code structure that makes it extremely easy to pick-up and learn compared to any other language. CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language that can be applied to any XML document. Its purpose is to simplify the styling of certain elements so that the written code would be a lot easier to read. CSS:  CSS was developed to simplify the code in much bigger pages. This doesn’t mean that CSS cannot be used in simpler and less complex pages. CSS can still be beneficial for small pages but the benefits are more apparent as the size of the page grows. CSS does this by creating custom tags that defines the pro...