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What Is The Difference Between HTML and CSS?

If you’re thinking of building a website it’s likely you’ve heard the terms “HTML” and “CSS,” but may be wondering how they’re different. They go hand-in-hand in building a webpage, but each serve a very unique purpose.

HTML:  Hypertext Markup Language is the standard and most basic language in use to create web pages. It has a very simple code structure that makes it extremely easy to pick-up and learn compared to any other language. CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language that can be applied to any XML document. Its purpose is to simplify the styling of certain elements so that the written code would be a lot easier to read.

CSS:  CSS was developed to simplify the code in much bigger pages. This doesn’t mean that CSS cannot be used in simpler and less complex pages. CSS can still be beneficial for small pages but the benefits are more apparent as the size of the page grows. CSS does this by creating custom tags that defines the proper font, size, color, margin, and even the background. These custom tags can then be used just like normal HTML keywords like Font and Bold; but instead if just changing one aspect, it changes every aspect to conform to the tag definition. The end result of all this is that you would only need to use one tag to achieve a specific look, and you can use that tag over and over again in your pages. You are also not limited to a single tag, you can create as many as you need to fully stylize your pages.

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the Web with HTML as its publishing language. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) was created to help programmers describe the content on a website like <this is a heading>, <this is a paragraph>. HTML uses tags to help you add paragraphs, headers, pictures, bullets and other pieces of structure. Just like you would write something on a word document, HTML helps you write something on a website. 

CSS was first proposed by Hakom Lie and co-created by Bert Bos around 1996. Created to compliment HTML, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is what makes a website look and feel amazing. Presentation and ease of use have been some of the qualities CSS has brought to web development. It is more involved with changing a websites style rather than its content. Kind of like changing the font size, font color and positioning on a word document. CSS is in charge of the way the content looks on a page and what else goes on it to compliment that content.  

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